Educate, Advocate, Empower

"Educate, Advocate, Empower"

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do you sometimes have to choose between buying food and paying bills?

If you answered yes, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program can help!

Are you are a parent of a child under age 6 and live in a household with a gross annual income at or below 185% of the federal poverty level and not participating in WIC? You can get a monthly food package containing nutritious, common foods that you can use to make your food budget stretch a little further.

Sign-up Information: To apply over the phone please contact the Utah Food Bank at 801-887-1275 or call 2-1-1.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Need help?

2-1-1 is AWESOME!!!  Calling 2-1-1 is free and will get you in touch with an associate who can help you get the help that you need.

Are you a teen mom and want to finish high school?  Need a GED? Want career training?  The following link will take you to a directory of phone numbers for many resources in Salt Lake County.  Everything from food stamps to parenting classes to child care assistance is on the list.  Click here to be linked to the directory. 

2-1-1's website is also a great place to search for all types of resources.  The link to the website is

"Am I eligible?"  Want to know if you qualify for food stamps and if so, how much you will recieve per month?  Need help paying for childcare while you work?    What other resources could help me get back on my feet?  Click here to learn more

The Utah Food Bank provides food to families in need.  To find a location near you click here

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