Educate, Advocate, Empower

"Educate, Advocate, Empower"

Monday, December 12, 2011

Health insurance for parents!

If you have at least one dependent child under 19 living in your home, you could qualify for Utah's low cost health plan for uninsured parents: PCN.

PCN covers services for uninsured adults
such as:
• Visits to a primary care provider
• Four prescriptions per month
• Dental exams, cleanings, fillings,
routine x-rays, tooth extractions
• Immunizations
• Routine lab services and x-rays
• Limited coverage of emergency room visits
• Emergency medical transportation
• Birth control methods
Depending on your income, you will pay an
enrollment fee of up to $50 a year.
Apply online or call for an application:
But hurry! PCN open enrollment is December 10 - 23, 2011.
Apply here:

Monday, October 24, 2011

Safe Trick-or-Treating Tips

Here are some great tips from
Have adult supervision. Accompany your kids if you don’t think they’re old enough to trick-or-treat on their own.
There is safety in numbers. If they’re old enough to trick-or-treat without an adult, tell your kids to stay in a group.
Map out your plan. Designate a route before your kids begin trick-or-treating, and make sure they stick to it.
Take the long way 'round. Have your kids trick-or-treat in areas where there are a lot of people around. They should also avoid taking short-cuts through alleys and parking lots.
Try tick-or-treat-friendly homes. Ensure your kids only visit houses with lights on. And, you might also suggest the houses they visit have some sort of Halloween decoration on the porch.
Stay outside. Make sure your kids don’t go inside someone’s house. They can get their candy from the porch.
Remain visible. Dress your kids in a bright costume so others can see them. If their costume is dark, have your kids wear reflective strips or carry a glow stick or flashlight.
Remember, shorter = safer.Goes without saying but just in case you forget, ensure your kids’ costumes aren’t so long that they can trip over them.
Don't cover the face. Instead of masks, have your kids wear make-up so they can see better.
Quality-check treats. Check your kids’ candy before they eat it. Throw out any candy that is not in its original wrapper or looks like it has been tampered with.
Say "no" to strangers.Tell your kids to never accept a ride or go anywhere with a stranger.
Obey the law. Encourage your kids to follow all the regular rules for walking around. That includes looking both ways before crossing, obeying all traffic laws and using cross walks and crossing lights where available.
Have a great time! Finally, make sure your kids have tons of fun and get lots and lots of candy.

To see more Halloween tips and costume ideas, go to

Friday, September 23, 2011

Free children's book at Sorenson Unity Center

A series of fun and educational workshops will offer everyday parenting tips at the Sorenson Unity Center 1383 S. 900 W. SLC. You will learn how to use children's books and TV to help your child succeed in the classroom. You are your child's most important teacher! KUED Ready to Learn Workshops inclued a free children's book. Dinner provided.
Registration required, call 801.535.6533
Sep. 29 6 pm Media Literacy
Oct. 20 6 pm Safety
Nov. 17 6 pm Science
Jan. 19 6 pm Child Development
Feb. 16 6 pm Coping with feelings / anti-bullying
Mar. 15 6 pm Parenting Counts
Apr. 19 6 pm Nutrition
Do you or someone you know need a learners permit in order to obtain
Utah Driver License or Utah Driving Privilege Card? A State Licensed Driving Instructor has volunteered to teach anyone who need help
passing the Written Knowledge Test free of charge

Those interested need to show up at
1234 S Main Street, Room 336, Salt Lake City
Saturday, September 24, 2011
from 11 am to 2:00 pm.

Class schedule are as follows

ARABIC – 11 am to 12 Noon

SOMALI - 12 Noon to 1:00 pm

ENGLISH – 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Crib Safety

Worried that your baby's crib or bassinet has been recalled? Find out here:

Traditional drop-side cribs can no longer be made or sold! With any crib or bassinet, following a few simple rules will keep babies sleeping safely:

  • Place infants to sleep on their backs

  • Use a firm, tight-fitting mattress

  • Never use extra padding, blankets, or pillows under baby

  • Remove pillows or thick comforters

  • Positioning devices are not necessary and can be deadly

  • Regularly check crib for loose, missing, or broken parts

  • Do not try to fix a broken crib

  • Place cribs or playpens away from windows to avoid window covering or fall hazards

Friday, May 20, 2011

No Regrets! Free Workshop for Single Parents

When: May 24, 2011 From 6 PM to 9 PM
Location: Salt Lake Community College / Taylorsville Redwood Campus
4600 South Redwood Road
Cost: FREE
Contact: Pam Denicke

Want to return to or start school? Enroll in a training program? By attending this step-by-step workshop you will:
-Receive information about how to utilize free online career exploration assessments (for those undecided about what to study)
-Understand how to finance your education or training program
-Receive information about and connected to scholarships
-Be connected to valuable campus and community services

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Do you sometimes have to choose between buying food and paying bills?

If you answered yes, the Commodity Supplemental Food Program can help!

Are you are a parent of a child under age 6 and live in a household with a gross annual income at or below 185% of the federal poverty level and not participating in WIC? You can get a monthly food package containing nutritious, common foods that you can use to make your food budget stretch a little further.

Sign-up Information: To apply over the phone please contact the Utah Food Bank at 801-887-1275 or call 2-1-1.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Need help?

2-1-1 is AWESOME!!!  Calling 2-1-1 is free and will get you in touch with an associate who can help you get the help that you need.

Are you a teen mom and want to finish high school?  Need a GED? Want career training?  The following link will take you to a directory of phone numbers for many resources in Salt Lake County.  Everything from food stamps to parenting classes to child care assistance is on the list.  Click here to be linked to the directory. 

2-1-1's website is also a great place to search for all types of resources.  The link to the website is

"Am I eligible?"  Want to know if you qualify for food stamps and if so, how much you will recieve per month?  Need help paying for childcare while you work?    What other resources could help me get back on my feet?  Click here to learn more

The Utah Food Bank provides food to families in need.  To find a location near you click here

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Free Family Fun

Mark your calendar for 2011 FREE admission days, courtesy of the Salt Lake County Zoo, Arts, and Parks Program:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Updated Food Resources List! 2-1-1 Information and Referral Free food pantries require photo ID for adults over 18 and verification of address (utility bill, lease agreement, etc.)

Friday, February 25, 2011

Educational videos, coupons, and other great info about you and your baby can be found here. has baby development info, coupons, videos, and breastfeeding info.  Check it out.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Need help with tax preparation?  If your income is less than $49,000/yr. you may qualify to have your taxes done for free.  An expert will guide you through the process, and ensure that you receive the maximum refund.  

Call 2-1-1 or click on this link for more info.  

Monday, January 31, 2011

The earlier you start reading to your child, the better.  Want to know more about what to read to your baby?  Reading to children from infancy makes them smarter.  Click below to learn more

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